March 15, 2023
READI Funding Supports Property Acquisition in Downtown Yorktown
Since 2014, the Yorktown Redevelopment Commission has been diligently working to redevelop, revitalize and grow its downtown core. With a substantial portion of the work complete, the Town has now set its sights on completing…
February 14, 2023
Vision Corner Receives East Central Indiana’s First READI Dollars
The East Central Indiana Regional Partnership in collaboration with the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) has been diligently working with local leaders to implement quality-of-place projects across the eight-county area. For the last several months,…
May 24, 2022
East Central Indiana Continues to Forge Ahead with READI
With the help and support of the IEDC team, ECIRP and the READI Governing Body has finalized a list of prioritized projects that will be reviewed and considered for READI funding. On Friday, May 13,…
March 22, 2022
East Central Indiana is READI for Regional Success
On Tuesday, December 14th, Governor Eric J. Holcomb, Secretary of Commerce Brad Chambers and the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) Board of Directors approved plans to award $500 million to support regional development plans across…
August 26, 2021
East Central Indiana receives over 150 project ideas for state grant application
The East Central Indiana Regional Partnership (ECIRP), in partnership with local governments, economic development organizations and anchor institutions, is in the process of preparing a Regional Development Plan. This regional planning process, which includes Blackford,…