Rush County


408.46 sq mi
43/sq mi
County Seat


St. Patrick's Day Parade
Wendell Willkie Days

Top Employers

Emerson Copeland
Rush County Schools
Rush Memorial Hospital
Fraley & Schilling

Notable Residents

Wendell Willkie
Lawyer & 1940 Republican nominee for President of the U.S.

Things to Do

Forge a path to Rushville and Rush County! Don't miss these key attractions and activities!

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Get to know Rush County

Ambassador: Faith Mock

Faith is born and raised in Rush County. Growing up on a farm in northern Rush County grounded her in the love of farm and family. She became a “city” girl moving into Rushville in her teen years and being active in 4-H, sports, and church gave her a full sense of community, spirit, and pride. After retiring from 33 years of teaching Health/Phys. Ed at Rush County Schools, Faith was hired as the Director of the Rush Memorial Hospital Foundation. Now retired, she enjoys volunteering for various community organizations and projects. She spends her time promoting Rush County as chair of the newly formed tourism committee. Faith loves traveling with her family/friends, exploring new places, and creating great memories.

Visiting Rush County? My favorite place in Rush County is the village of Raleigh where my family settled 5 generations ago. It has the remaining bell tower from the first consolidated school in the USA (and where my family including me attended school) and my church home, Raleigh Christian Church, founded in 1886.